This is a small game I made for Ludum Dare 34. My coworker Jérémie impressed me by participating to this jam with an 1 hour game he made on lunch time at work. So that night, I gave it a try too!

This game jam had two themes: Growing and Two Buttons. What I came up with to satisfy both of these is to prevent the Wi-Fi signal from being too good. You do that by controling a jumping robot with the left and right keys. Press them simultaneously to rotate and destroy the Wi-Fi bars. Don't let any of them reach maximum power for as long as you can. You can also jump higher by landing one of your "wings" on top of a bar.

I used Unity3D and it would have went smoothly if not for a 15 minutes power outage 1 hour before submission that corrupted and erased my main class file! Luckily, I was able to rewrite it quickly from memory.

Try it here.